Kyklamino Castlehouse

castle of Monemvasia

Approaching the rock of Monemvasia, either by land or by sea, one gets overwhelmed by the unique scenery. A giant rock that is connected to the mainland by a narrow piece of land, a medieval well-preserved settlement, built by the sea, and a citadel that overlooks everything. One can enter through the single entrance­­ of the city walls.

Entering the traditional settlement of Monemvasia, the scenery takes you back in time. Stone built houses with colored plaster and sloping roofs, built tightly one next to another, narrow streets and cobblestones, Byzantine churches, stone walls and arched passages.

The main cobblestone street that crosses the Lower Town follows the signs of the old Byzantine Middle Street. A complicated network of streets extends throughout the settlement leading to the house entrances. One should get lost, strolling, enjoying a whole variety of surprises that await to be discovered. Portelo is the single gate to the sea. Amongst the 25 byzantine churches that are still preserved, those of Elkomenos ChristosPanaghia Chrysafitissa andAghios NIkolaos are of more interest. The Archaeological Museum of Monemvasia is worth paying a visit.

One of the narrow streets leads to the Upper Town. It will take you approx. 15 minutes, but the view of the Lower Town and the Myrtoo Pelagos are breathtaking. Within the Upper Town walls, lay the remains of the byzantine citadel. The only standing building is the under restoration church of Aghia Sofia dating back to the 12th century.